Destiny Search is a Library and Resource Management system that helps manage our books and online resources. Teachers, students and parents can search all resources available in our LMC with Destiny Search.
Destiny Search is a Library and Resource Management system that helps manage our books and online resources. Teachers, students and parents can search all resources available in our LMC with Destiny Search.
This resource includes a collection of TumbleBooks (animated, talking picture books) with fiction, non-fiction and foreign language titles, Math Stories, Read-Alongs (chapter books with sentence highlighting and narration but no animation), and Videos (from National Geographic).
J STOR is a digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources and a powerful research and teaching platform. Our school JSTOR account can be accessed after logging into Destiny Search.
The Day is an engaging online newspaper covering international current events. It provides unbiased opinions on issues and encourages critical thinking, debate, and discussion. It also helps our students make informed decisions about events and issues in their day-to-day lives.
Britannica School is a citable, online learning resource, updated daily and includes video, images, and audio content. Curated and checked by professional editors. Browse by subject, look for biographies, explore the World Atlas, compare statistical information between different countries and discover interactive resources.