Marilyn White
Marilyn White was born in Philadelphia, PA, USA. She graduated from Boston University, School of Education, and specialized in Early Childhood Education.
After graduation, she was both teacher and head teacher at a childcare center in Cambridge, Massachusetts for 4 years. She then substituted in the Cambridge Mass. Public School System. She became a “long-term” substitute, taking over classes for the year from teachers on leave. These included a 2nd grade bilingual class, and the following year a combination 3rd-5th grade bilingual class. She then sought to teach at an International School. As she had taught the English component in the bilingual program for Portuguese students, she applied to teach in Portugal. She taught 4 years at AISL, an International School in Lisbon. She was a reading resource teacher for grades 4-6, and primary science teacher for grades K-3.
She later attended Masters courses during summers, which were intended towards procuring a Masters Degree in Education. She studied at Lesley College, Massachusetts, and University of Hartford, Connecticut before moving to Stockholm.
She has been employed at Stockholm International School for over 30 years and continues to thoroughly enjoy the challenge, the teaching, the children and the families here at SIS!