with Natasha Ålund & Maria Teresa “Tess” Guyo
These are phase 2 workshops for those who completed the phase 1 sessions last year
MONDAYS 10:00 – 11:30 ( March 21, 28, April 4, 25, May 2, 9).
Natasha Ålund n.alund@intsch.se
Natasha is originally from Trinidad and Tobago and has been with SIS since 1996. She has also taught at other schools in Trinidad, Sweden and Thailand. Over the years, Natasha has experienced teaching ages two to fifty-two. Today, her focus is on International Education, Literacy and EAL. Natasha’s recent encounter with Positive Discipline for teachers and parents is one that evokes excitement and enthusiasm to share, collaborate and connect with others for a common good. Natasha has one amusing and amazing teenage daughter, soon to be legally an adult.
Maria Teresa “Tess” Guyo m.guyo@intsch.se
Tess is originally from the Philippines and has been with SIS since 2007, working with the Learning Support team. From being a Coordinator and MUN and Maths Quests Leader, the course for Teaching Positive Discipline for Parents is a chance to bring together her vast experience working with students and parents. Tess is also a proud mom of two adult children and now a grandmother to a 3-year old.