Re-enrollment and withdrawals


The re-enrollment period for students who wish to continue at SIS takes place during the month of March each year.

Re-enrolment takes place electronically. Families are sent an email from Open Apply with a link to an electronic form where they can confirm their place.

Families who wish to withdraw from the school can notify the school via the Re-enrollment form in March.

During September to March families can notify the Admissions Office via email if they wish to withdraw from the school. The school must be informed 2 months before a student’s withdrawal from the school.

Late Withdrawal Fee

A late withdrawal fee will be charged if SIS is not notified of the withdrawal of a child  during the specified dates during Re-Enrollment in March or if SIS is not notified of the withdrawal of a child at least two months prior to their departure from SIS between September and March. The Late Withdrawal Fee amounts to 25 % of the Annual Tuition Fee for each student.

Failure to Notify the school during Re-enrollment

If you do not notify the school during the re-enrollment period you will automatically be re-enrolled and an invoice will be issued.