Image of clothing being distributed in Nepal

Financial struggle in Nepal

Earthquake and pandemic threaten future of support for schools

A reduction in tourism income as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic, and the inability of international schools, including SIS, to visit the region, is threatening the future of the support programmes in place for local schools in Nepal.

SIS, along with a small handful of other international schools has worked with Himalayan Voluntourism (HV) since the Nepal Project was established in 2014. The organisation works to create and coordinate tourism opportunities that provide income and other support to schools in the region. When SIS students have visited Nepal, HV has provided guides and translators to accompany the visiting students, guiding them through the region and assisting them in the classrooms as they meet the students.

This support is essential in facilitating the work SIS does to provide funding for school meals, uniforms, and stipends for teachers (who on average earn about US$120 per month). 

Prabin Gautam operates HV in Nepal. He told us: 

First of all I want to thank all those who supported us after the earthquake in 2015 to help devastated communities. I know for many of you, it has been long overdue. We lacked communication with all our friends due to the urgent need on the ground. On behalf of all the communities, I want to express my gratitude.

And after four years when things were starting to get back to normal the global pandemic has affected these communities real bad and after two years it seems we are back to square one. So I have again returned to you, seeking your support to help maintain everyday operation for five community schools in Nepal. 

SIS Nepal Project coordinator Brad Roets draws attention to another demanding factor in supporting our partner school in Nepal: 

Our support has made an impact, contributing to the growth of the school. I learned recently that the Shila Devi school has doubled in size, meaning more students are being educated and provided with opportunities – which is great. However, as the support they have received has not increased it means there is additional pressure for resources. I know Prabin has been supporting the work of HV with funds out of his own pocket, but that is not sustainable.

The American School of the Hague, which like SIS supports a partner school in the region through HV, has started a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds to get the organisation and the schools back on track. Brad is aware that it’s just one of many competing demands on our goodwill:

I know we may sometimes feel ‘donation fatigue’ when asked to give to yet another cause, but I’ve seen the impact this work has locally, and I’ve seen how SIS visits have opened up the eyes of our students and raised their global awareness and sense of responsibility. If everyone just donated the equivalent of buying fika for the project – about 60-70 SEK – it would make a real difference. If you can afford to buy dinner, even better! Please donate what you can.

If you wish to donate visit 

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