wet lab interior

New classes, more space

MAY 13, 2024

SIS is growing, with new classes being added in some grades, and additional places opening up throughout the School. Early Years, and Grades 1, 7, and 11 in particular have good availability.

The School is responding to increasing demand for English-language IB education in the region, prompted by Stockholm’s continuing desire to attract the best global talents to work in its technology and research sectors. Part of that response was identifying and securing Norra Latin as part of our future. The additional space and facilities we have created in this landmark building have greatly enhanced the student experience, and we continue to discover new ways to utilise its spacious classrooms and characterful corridors.

SIS is more than just the physical fabric of the School. With a track record of high achievement and academic success, a highly qualified faculty, and a friendly and welcoming community spirit SIS is the perfect choice for your family’s future.

SIS scores on a practical level too. With the Norra Latin campus situated just a short walk from the city’s central transportation hub, and the Johannesgatan campus just a few minutes walk from there, travel to the School is convenient from just about anywhere in the Stockholm region. If you are unfamiliar with the city, you can be sure of the convenience of SIS no matter where you live or work. And if you are already living in Stockholm but looking for alternative schooling options, it’s time to consider SIS.

Check out some at-a-glance facts about SIS here, and make an inquiry or arrange a tour here, or start your application now.

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